Tag Archive | red chillies

Indian Mee Goreng

Indian Mee Goreng

Indian Mee Goreng

Ek het nou per ongeluk op die resep afgekom. Het MEE ingetik by google i.p.v. MOO – en die resep met noodles lyk so lekker en iets anders. Ek het so na die resep gekyk en gesien dit is redelike basiese goed wat gebruik word. Die egg noodles is beskikbaar by ons, maar ek sal sommer net spagetti gaarkook en die ingooi. Die chillies kan jy miskien met green peppers vervang as jy van nie te warm disse hou nie. Ek sou net ‘n ui ook insit, en selfs sampioene.


Indian Mee Goreng



Serves 4


2 cloves garlic

1 teasp chilli sauce

450 g  egg noodles/ ek sal dink gewone spagetti gaar gekook sal ook werk)

1 potato

2 eggs

4 baby squid, calamarie ringe of hoender blokkies

1 cup bean sprouts (blikkie sal ook doen)

1 spring onion

2 red chillies/greenpeppers

1 lime/of suurlemoen

2 tbsp dark soy sauce or sweet soy sauce

3 tbsp tomato sauce




Chop garlic.

Rinse the noodles in cold water.

Peel, boil and slice potato.

Clean and cut squid into rings/chicken

Slice spring onion thinly for garnishing.

Cut lime into wedges.

Heat a little oil in a wok.

Add garlic, chilli sauce, sliced potatoes, and squid/chicken. Stir fry until fragrant.

Add yellow noodles and sauces and continue stirring.

Set the noodles to the side of the wok and add a little more cooking oil.

Add the eggs. Scramble and mix in with the noodles.

Add in the bean sprouts and quick stir for another 1 minute.

Serve hot and garnish with chopped spring onions and sliced red chillies.

Squeeze some lime juice over the noodles before eating.