Eierlose/egg free Vervangings


How to replace eggs in your baking

Its  considered the second most common allergy next to cow’s milk. However, most children grow out of the allergy by around five years of age.

The only way to manage a severe egg allergy is to avoid eggs altogether, this though can be challenging. Egg proteins are used as emulsifiers, as in mayonnaise, binders and even as aerators. Egg proteins are so widely used that it is not uncommon to find them in flu vaccines. This makes egg particularly difficult to avoid, especially when your young child is longing for sweet treats and baked goods that often contain eggs.

To get around this, there are some common substitutes for egg when baking.

Vinegar and baking soda: Vinegar works very well as an egg substitute in cake, cupcake and muffin recipes, making it light and fluffy. White and apple cider vinegar is used quite often – one teaspoon of baking soda along with one tablespoon of vinegar. Apple cider vinegar and white distilled vinegar can be used to replace one egg..

Orgran No Egg: Orgran makes a product called “no egg”. Tthis product works as a natural egg replacer in baking and cooking and is widely available at all Dis-Chems.

One egg can also be replaced in most baked goods with

One-third cup applesauce

One-half a mashed banana

One-quarter cup of yoghurt

One-quarter cup of vegetable oil

The combination of these ingredients simulate the natural binding and emulsifying properties of eggs and offer the bonus of tasting really good.

So for all those who suffer from an egg allergy, fret no more and happy baking



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